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Server Statistics Summary
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Server Jobs finished Mean total job time
in seconds
Longest total job time
in seconds
BCL::Jufo9D 102193 2171.1 87336
BCL::Conf 1870 37.55 7042
BCL::PDBConvert 2859 -460125.62 2652
BCL::MolAlign 1010 885.73 101950
BCL::AcademicLicense 1462 -1854637.6 34106
DiGePred 391 1199.58 126620
BCL::Fold 1036 13425.76 326774
Q1VarPredBio 201 9.25 354
ProShift 4607 584.37 2406
IgReconstruct 358 584.01 29582
Q1VarPred 240 -9148180.23 694
BCL::ScoreProtein 346 68.17 2406
Jufo 3D 3101 -3094097.05 2696
BCL::TMH-Expo 205 1360.63 6142
BCL::Align 663 6.57 45
BCL::Contact 5324 1732.48 11278
MASSP 62 7822.23 205775
TurnPred 8503 1898.59 2409
EPR Restraint Optimization 97 1582.35 2401
ROSIE Ligand Docking 72 301.3 2461
BCL::KinasePred 39 5.04 9
QSPR DMPK 36 10 10
BCL::EM-Fit 41 2348.6 4898
QSAR CYP3A4 Inhibition 26 2400 2400
QSAR 17-β HSD 14 2400 2400
BCL::EMFold 8 3579.47 47601
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